1st Dialogue & Peace Iftar Dinner

Transcorp Hilton Abuja, His Excellency Gombe State Governor, İbrahim Dankwanbo; Honorable Minister of Information, Labaran Maku; Honorable Minister of State For Finance, Yerima Ngama; Honorable Members of Senate, Honorable Members of House of Representatives, Vice Chancellors, Members of Diplomatic Corps, Representative of Zazzau Emirate Council , Academicians, Religious Leaders participated the event. Gombe State Governor, Ibrahim DankwaAt the 1st Dialogue & Peace İftar Dinner organized by Ufuk Dialogue Foundation held in 6 August 2012 in nbo, said suspicion remains a contributory factor fueling insecurity in the country. “There is a lot of misunderstanding, a lot of suspicion not only among religious lines but among individuals, the only way we can clear this misunderstanding is through dialogue.” Speaking at the Ufuk Dialogue Foundation’s First Dialogue and Peace Iftar Dinner in Abuja, Minister of İnformation, Labaran Maku, said the region once known for its peaceful atmosphere and co-existence has had its fortune downward owing to incessant cases of terrorist attacks mostly by the Boko Haram sect. “Unless we are able to stop the fire, development will continue to elude the North, if the North lacks behind, the whole country may not move forward,” he added. He also said that : “ Today the world is different. Science, technology bringing people together. We believe in same God. We must have dialogue, because we must leave to gather. The challenge of today and future is all human being must come back to our common humanity, differences are not misunderstanding, we are the people of same God. If there are two religions that share the same ancestors, they are Islam and Christianity. These two religions not only share the same prophets, what you say in Koran is what you read in bible. If there are two peoples that share same values, they are Muslims and Christians. Our duty as political leaders, Our duty as religious leaders, our duty as community leaders, culture leaders; members of our faith must learn: we can not live alone. … I see no reasons why Nigeria can not succeed. The way of Nigeria is important for all Africa. What we do today is what we must do often. I want to thank to Ufuk Foundation. We need peace for investors to come, we need peace for infrastructure to built. .. we want a peaceful family, for our children. Without exception, I’m sure all of you are going home with lessons. Nigeria will be an example how nations can arise living complex and heterogeneous. The President of Ufuk Dialogue Foundation, Oguzhan Dirican,said: “Since two years Ufuk Dialogue Foundation is promoting peace and dialogue, cultural coexistence and mutual understanding. After the big conference in November 2011, this is the second milestone of our contribution to Nigerian society. This sustainable contribution will continue with a series of conferences and events in different states of Nigeria. We believe that in 21th century dialogue is a must, to establish sustainable peace for both faiths, races and cultures we should forget the past, and ignore polemical arguments… and give precedence to common points not the polemical ones. And search for the solutions that both sides will reach the presence. To build and enlighten the world of future, peace and dialogue are the only way.” Mr. Dirican also thanked to Nigerian Turkish International Schools, Nigerian Turkish Nile University, Association Of Businessmen and Investors of Turkey and Nigeria and Ebru Africa TV for their great support and contribution. Archbishop of Abuja John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan said: I am happy to be here in Iftar Dinner during the Ramadan. What ever all we are doing is to spread the message of goodness, neighborliness, brotherhood and sisterhood. We will continue to go out of all over the world and say if you want to see where Christians and Muslims are living to gather in peace and mutual respect , come to Nigeria. I used to say so many years and I think I can still say so. The average Nigerian Muslims and Christians want to live to gather and they are doing so. This two great religion Islam and Christianity we are able to manage our difference, above all we are able to exploit to maximum our commonalities. If we hold on the common fait; believing only one God, every other thing can be managed, but I believe people forget that; all funny things begins. We thank Ufuk Foundation to bring us to gather. We should come to gather more often; not despite of religion but because of religion. At this event Dialogue and Peace Awards are given to Executive Secretary of Abuja Mosque and Archbishop of Abuja John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan for their great efforts and contribution to dialogue as the leaders of dialogue groups of Abuja For the news on press go to link : http://www.ufukfoundation.org/sayfa=News_on_1th_Dialogue___Peace_Iftar_Dinner

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