Love & Tolerance: Countering Violent Extremism Through Love and Tolerance
Love & Tolerance: Countering Extremism through Peace Education and Love is organized by Ufuk Dialogue and held in three states of Nigeria, Kaduna, Abuja and Lagos having an attendance of nearly two thousands people. The events will emphasize the importance of Love and Tolerance in countering violent extremism.
The main objective of the conference is to create a platform for discussion among participants pointing out the necessity of personal introspection and social dialogue as well as interfaith or inter-ethnic dialogue for mutual understanding. It will also encourage participants to see dialogue as a first option and strive to understand the concept and relevance of love, tolerance and acceptance. Government officials, traditional and religious leaders and dignitaries from various ethnic groups, scholars and intellectuals, will attend the conference. The conference will bring together dignitaries with diverse backgrounds from across the nation.
In this edition of the love and tolerance conference, Ufuk dialogue collaborated with the Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution and UN Women to educate the world about the need to counter violent extremism through love and tolerance.