“Istanbul Summit: Women’s Perspectives on UN Post-2015 Development Agenda”, was held on 31 May and 1 June 2014 in Istanbul. Istanbul Summit was intended as a ground for women leaders around the world including heads of state and government, ministers, academics, journalists, representatives of NGOs as well as public and private sectors. It aims to provide a setting for networking and experience sharing among stakeholders around the world to exchange ideas and seek ways of cooperation to address “UN Post 2015 Development Agenda”. As the deadline for Millennium Development Goals fast approaches, this summit specifically aims to highlight women’s perspectives, experiences and insights as vital inputs for the UN’s new development goals. Istanbul Summit will also hosted “Peace Projects Award Ceremony”. Peace Projects is a grant program launched by The Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF) to support innovative conflict resolution and peacebuilding projects focused on preventing, managing and resolving violent conflicts and promoting post-conflict peacebuilding. Peace Projects Grant Program will support ten selected projects with a fund up to US$50,000.
Opening remarks of the summit which was held at Fatih Convention Center was delivered by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay via a video. Large numbers of female representatives of nongovernmental organizations, parliamentarians, academics and journalists attended at the summit.
A Nigerian Delegation is organized by UFUK DF including representative of Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development and civil societies.